Assistant Professor


06.2019 - present        Poznań University of Technology, Poznań, Poland;

                                    Technical Physics Faculty / Institute of Physics

                                    Topics: Molecular biophysics, biomimetic cell membranes, single molecule microscopy.



11.2016 – 05.2019      ICHF - The Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland;

                                    Photochemistry and Spectroscopy - Prof. Jacek Waluk / Prof. Gonzalo Angulo,

                                    Topic: Ultrafast tautomerization in individual molecules.

                                    Marie Curie COFUND position; Project Leader


07.2012 – 10.2016      ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain.

                                    Molecular Nanophotonics Group (Prof. Niek van Hulst);

                                    Topics: Ultrafast nanophotonis, fluorescence nanoscopy, single molecules.

                                    Marie Curie COFUND position


04.2012 – 06.2012      AMOLF Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

                                    Ultrafast Spectroscopy Group - Prof. Huib J. Bakker,

                                    Topic: Proton dynamics in water nanoclusters.



11.2006 – 01.2012      University of Amsterdam / AMOLF Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

                                    Ultrafast Spectroscopy Group - Prof. Huib J. Bakker,

                                    Title of thesis: Water interacting with interfaces, ions and itself.


2019 – present    EMBO Installation Grant - European Organization of Molecular Biology

2019 – present    FIRST TEAM Grant - Foundation for Polish Science (top 10%)

2018 – present    Ministry of Science and Education Scholarship for outstanding, young researchers.

2016 – 2018         Marie Curie COFUND postdoctoral fellowship ‘POLONEZ’ (top 10%),

2015 – 2016         Excelencia Severo Ochoa postdoctoral fellowship (top 5%),

2012 - 2015           Marie Curie COFUND postdoctoral fellowship ‘ICFOnest’ (top 5%),

2006                       Dean of Faculty Prize for Master research (top 5%),